Pizza Crust - the best food in the world

Pizza Crust

Prep + Cook Time: 30 minutes | Servings: 1


3 cups broccoli rice, steamed
½ cup vegan cheese, grated
1 egg
3 tbsp. low-carb Alfredo sauce
½ cup parmesan cheese, grated

  1. Drain the broccoli rice and combine with the parmesan cheese and egg in a bowl, mixing well.
  2. Cut a piece of parchment paper roughly the size of the base of the fryer’s basket. Spoon four equal-sized amounts of the broccoli mixture onto the paper and press each portion into the shape of a pizza crust. You may have to complete this part in two batches. Transfer the parchment to the fryer.
  3. Cook at 370°F for five minutes. When the crust is firm, flip it over and cook for an additional two minutes.
  4. Add the Alfredo sauce and mozzarella cheese on top of the crusts and cook for an additional seven minutes. The crusts are ready when the sauce and cheese have melted. Serve hot.

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